Minggu, 03 Agustus 2008

Palm Centro Supposedly Hits 2 Million: Recovery in Sight?

palm-centro.jpgWe all remember that scathing letter addressed to Palm last year, when Engadget emeritus Peter Rojas et al. bashed the manufacturer for letting things get stale and offering practically the same thing year-after-year. The ultimate point of the lengthy criticism is easy to swallow, because real gadget geeks have all shed a tear for Palm’s slow yet painful slide into irrelevance.

So it’s somewhat good news that the Palm Centro has reportedly passed the two million mark. That’s less than a year after the smartphone came out last October, and is comparatively good compared to the diminishing sales of the Treo line. But, is this a real sign of recovery?

On one hand, sales are apparently picking up. Yet on the other, you’ve got a smartphone market growing leads and bounds, while Palm posts only modest gains. This means all those new transactions are coming from somewhere else: Palm’s competitors. What do you think?

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