Cowon will be launching the Cowon S9 MP3 player in Korea on December 16th. This MP3 player features a 3.3-inch AMOLED capacitive touch panel display that provides 16 million colors on 480 x 272 pixels resolution. The player is powered by a 500MHz dual-core CPU, and supports T-DMB digital television tuner, Bluetooth, FM radio, text/photo viewer, electronic dictionary function, TV-out, and G-Sensor accelerometer.
The S9 also supports a touchscreen user interface, gravity sensor, zoom in and out flash menu and video clip preview function. The battery will give you up to 55 hours of music playback, 11 hours of video playback, and up to 350 hours of standby time. The Cowon S9 will be available in 4GB, 8GB and 16GB storage sizes. The DMB model will be released next year.
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