Kamis, 30 Oktober 2008

Star Wars Bowling Balls geek up your game

Star Wars Bowling Balls geek up your gameJedi can bowl a perfect game every time by using the force, no balls are necessary. But since you haven’t apprenticed under Yoda, you could use some help. These Brunswick Star Wars Viz-a-Ball bowling balls may be just what you need to give your game a boost while simultaneously getting laughed at by those around you.

Or maybe not. You may just be trading a plain gutter ball for a fancy gutter ball. They’ll cost you between $92-$120 each. There’s Yoda, C-3PO, Darth Vader and even a Darth Maul ball. Who knows, before you know it you may be joining the Bespin Bowling League and low-fiving Ugnaughts. (I apologize for that nerd joke and regret that I even know what an Ugnaut is)

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