Jumat, 24 Oktober 2008

iTunes glitch censors song titles

iTunes Music Store page

References in music reviews on the iTunes site are also affected>

A temporary error with the UK's iTunes Music Store has caused some inoffensive song titles to be censored.

Tracks affected include Hot by Avril Lavigne, which is displayed as H*t, while The Cheeky Girls' biggest hit has become Cheeky Song (Touch My B*m).

An Apple spokesman said a "database glitch" occurred when the service was checked for explicit references, and would be fixed as soon as possible.

Profanities are regularly blanked out on the online music store.

Songs with adult content also carry warning labels stating "explicit" or "caution".

J****y Cash

Other titles to be hit by the glitch include Long H*t Summer by Girls Aloud.

The company's spokesman said they did not know why their software was picking up the word "hot" as an explicit reference.

iTunes glitch censors song titles

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